live, research

Breathing Data – workshop

@ /ETC 2024 (Eclectic Tech Carnival) hosted by Heart of Code, Berlin. Workshop with Cornelia Sollfrank taking place Friday 7 June 2024 at 5pm, Mariannenplatz 2a, 10997 Berlin.
Full program:


TammTamm – Artists informing Politicians

Installation view TammTamm at „Agents & Provocateurs“, HMKV Dortmung (2010)

The campaign “Tamm-Tamm – Artists Inform Politicians” took place in Hamburg in 2005/06 and was a protest against the newly planned Maritime Museum. In order to complement the ongoing HafenCity urban development project with a cultural “attraction”, the Hamburg City Parliament had offered the controversial private collector Peter Tamm a large historic building and 30 million euros to transfer his private maritime collection into a museum. The organizers of the protest assumed that the collection did not meet the scientific standards of a public museum and that the notorious right-wing collector would use the premises to celebrate his authoritarianism.

The campaign took the political leaders into responsibility. For each elected member of Hamburg’s parliament, an artist acted as godfather/ godmother and engaged in a personal dialogue with the politicians in order to provide background information on the project. Documentation of each encounter was collected on a website, which proved to be an effective tool against the opportunism of the local media.


SOS – Salon for Open Secrets.

Vienna / 12 May 2021

Patrícia J. Reis and Stefanie Wuschitz from Mz*Baltazar’s Laboratory interview Cornelia Sollfrank about her ground-breaking work in early Cyberfeminism until now. They discuss the dynamics of collaboration, the sharing of experience and knowledge; they talk about autonomous infrastructures, platforms of visibility and many other topics.

interview, publication

Flooding the Museum

An Interview with Cornelia Sollfrank by Michael Connor, rhizome, New York. The interview was conducted on the occasion of rhizome’s publication of the Net.Art Anthology, 9 March 2017.



Hacking Social Reality

Theater / Basel / 2016

Hacking Social Reality ist ein Spiel über Geschlecht als unüberwindbare und gleichzeitig unhinterfragte Grenze innerhalb der Hacker-Szene. Eine Kooperation zwischen HeK (Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel) und dem Theater Basel innerhalb der von Kevin Rittberger entwickelten Reihe COMMUNITY downlGEMEINSCHAFT IN PROGRESS.

Download PDF documentation

exhibition, project

Liquid Hacking Laboratory

Kunstverein Nürnberg, 1 September – 15 October 2000

The ‚Liquid Hacking Laboratory‘ was an experimental setting which has been conceived by Cornelia Sollfrank and brought together twenty-five artists and hackers. It combined three elements: a temporary media lab, public presentations, and an exhibition. The idea was to go beyond traditional conceptions of art production and art presentation, and to offer –for the participating international artists and hackers as well as for the interested public– a space for exchange and knowledge transfer.

interview, publication

Hackers are Artists–and Some Artists are Hackers

Berlin / 10 September 1998

Interview with Cornelia Sollfrank, by Tilman Baumgärtel about Female Extension. Published in: [] – Materialien zur Netzkunst, Tilman Baumgärtel, Verlag für moderne Kunst, 1999.


interview, publication

Hacker sind Künstler – und einige Künstler sind Hacker

Berlin / 10.September 1998

Interview mit Cornelia Sollfrank, von Tilman Baumgärtel. Veröffentlicht in: netz.kunst, Jahrbuch 98-99, Institut für moderne Kunst, Nürnberg, 1999. [] – Materialien zur Netzkunst, Tilman Baumgärtel, Verlag für moderne Kunst, 1999.


interview, publication

EXTENSION – die virtuelle Erweiterung der Hamburger Kunsthalle

19. Juni 1997, telepolis, Heise Verlag.

Auszüge aus einem Gespräch zwischen Cornelia Sollfrank und Frank Barth, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Galerie der Gegenwart, dem neuen Erweiterungsbau der Hamburger Kunsthalle. Anlässlich seiner Eröffnung am 23. Februar 1997 schrieb das Museum den ersten institutionellen Preis für Internet-Kunst aus. Sollfrank nahm dies zum Anlass, das Projekt Female Extension zu entwickeln.



Female Extension

Female Extension was the hack of the first competition for Internet art launched by Kunsthalle Hamburg in 1997. Sollfrank created 300 ficticious female net artists and flooded the competition with automatically generated websites. This intervention has been included in Rhizome’s net art anthology.

Original website: