News From Where We Are # 5.
London, 6 May 2021
Marc Garett in conversation with Cornelia Sollfrank as part of The Radical Friendship Podcast Series by Furtherfield, London.

conceptual art
London, 6 May 2021
Marc Garett in conversation with Cornelia Sollfrank as part of The Radical Friendship Podcast Series by Furtherfield, London.
Cornelia Sollfrank and Felix Stalder / 2021
The two editors of the volume Aesthetics of the Commons (Diaphanes 2021), Cornelia Sollfrank and Felix Stalder, discuss with Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (WPCC) the potential and meanings of the digital commons in creating new subjectivities and new imaginaries on and off the internet.
What do a feminist server, an art space located in a public park in North London, a ‘pirate’ library of high cultural value yet dubious legal status, and an art school that emphasizes collectivity have in common? They all demonstrate that art can play an important role in imagining and producing a real quite different from what is currently hegemonic; that art has the possibility to not only envision or proclaim ideas in theory, but also to realize them materially. The book collects ten essays that take up aspects of the cultural and artistic projects that were part of the research project Creating Commons, and brings them into conversation with different fields ranging from cultural, political and feminist theory, philosophy, curatorial studies, and art education.
Aesthetics of the Commons, Sollfrank, Cornelia, Felix Stalder and Shusha Niederberger (eds.), Zurich: Diaphanes (2021)
Softcover, 276 pages
Open Access PDF, 276 pages
London, 9 December 2020
Interview of Cornelia Sollfrank for Museum of Contemporary Digital Art (MoCDA), London. Maria Cynkier talks with the artist about her creative practice, generative art, the power of decentralization and commons, and resisting patriarchal structures in tech.
Interview zur Transmediale 2019, veröffentlicht in der taz am 31.1.2019. Cornelia Sollfrank war in den Neunzigern Mitgründerin des Cyberfeminismus. Den Begriff findet sie heute nicht mehr passen. Ein Gespräch über Utopien und die Macht sozialer Medien von Marlene Halser.
Interview by Alessandro Ludovico, published in: neural #61, Speculative Pink, 2018, pp 06-09.
An Interview with Cornelia Sollfrank by Michael Connor, rhizome, New York. The interview was conducted on the occasion of rhizome’s publication of the Net.Art Anthology, 9 March 2017.
Berlin / 10 September 1998
Interview with Cornelia Sollfrank, by Tilman Baumgärtel about Female Extension. Published in: [] – Materialien zur Netzkunst, Tilman Baumgärtel, Verlag für moderne Kunst, 1999.
Berlin / 10.September 1998
Interview mit Cornelia Sollfrank, von Tilman Baumgärtel. Veröffentlicht in: netz.kunst, Jahrbuch 98-99, Institut für moderne Kunst, Nürnberg, 1999. [] – Materialien zur Netzkunst, Tilman Baumgärtel, Verlag für moderne Kunst, 1999.
19. Juni 1997, telepolis, Heise Verlag.
Auszüge aus einem Gespräch zwischen Cornelia Sollfrank und Frank Barth, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Galerie der Gegenwart, dem neuen Erweiterungsbau der Hamburger Kunsthalle. Anlässlich seiner Eröffnung am 23. Februar 1997 schrieb das Museum den ersten institutionellen Preis für Internet-Kunst aus. Sollfrank nahm dies zum Anlass, das Projekt Female Extension zu entwickeln.