
  • Critical Computing

    Vortrag zu Breathing Data im Rahmen der Tagung des Instituts für Medienwissenschaften.

    Braunschweig / Hochschule für bildende Künste (HBK), Johannes-Selenka-Platz 1 / 27 and 28 June 2024

  • Breathing Data

    Vortrag von Cornelia Sollfrank im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung Intermedia mit anschließender Diskussion zum Thema künstlerische Forschung.

    Köln / Universität FB Kunst & Kunsttheorie/ 25 June 2024

  • Re/Embodied Data. Ambiguities of Knowing

    In this symposium, we will investigate the relationship between quantifiable and experiential, abstracted and embodied knowledges.

    Berlin / Collaboration between Berlin Open Lab (UdK + TU Berlin) and ZHdK Zürich, Einsteinufer 43, 10587 Berlin / Thursday, 20 June 2024, 09:30

  • Breathing Data – workshop

    @ /ETC 2024 (Eclectic Tech Carnival) hosted by Heart of Code, Berlin. Workshop with Cornelia Sollfrank taking place Friday 7 June 2024 at 5pm, Mariannenplatz 2a, 10997 Berlin.
    Full program:

  • À la recherche de l’information perdue

    Bonn / Frauenmuseum / 6 April 2024 / 19:00

    Performance lecture by Cornelia Sollfrank that makes a (techno-)feminist comment on the entanglements of gender, technology and information politics exemplified by the case of Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Pre-opening of the show „Beyond Algorithms – Digital Utopia.“

  • DataCyborgs

    Ljubljana / Aksioma / Kino Šiška / 27 February 2024

    A partially algorithmically generated embodied conversation between three different logics. Lecture performance, Cornelia Sollfrank and Alexandre Puttick

    Data cyborgs are hybrid beings. Digital data is their key component, but this data is related to other entities in manifold ways. In this case, an amateur breather provides body data by performing breathing exercises and capturing them with the help of various sensors. The assiduous data scientist studies this data, analyses it and processes it in order to extract knowledge. Eventually, the data itself takes a stance and insists on its own perspective.

    Link to conference website

  • (un)real data – real effects

    Ljubljana / Aksioma / 27-28 February 2024

    The 15th edition of Tactics&Practice explores how the ambiguous quality of data can be used as a tool to produce real-world outcomes. Can the act of purposely creating data provide agency within data-driven systems? Is it possible to manipulate data to create specific effects?

    Conference program

  • Caring and Narrating

    1 December 2023, Berlin, Gallery /rosa

    Presentation of two books: Yvonne Volkart, Technologies of Care. From Sensing Technologies to an Aesthetics of Attention in a More-than-Human World, and Birgit Schneider, Der Anfang einer neuen Welt. Wie wir vom Klimawandel erzählen, ohne zu verstummen. Berlin: Matthes & Seitz 2023. Moderated by Cornelia Sollfrank. More info:

    Watch documentation on YouTube

  • Organization as Medium of Contemporary Art

    Lüneburg 13/ 14 November 2023

    Kunstraum Lüneburg in collaboration with the Centre for Digital Cultures at Leuphana University.

    Workshop day 1 

    Workshop day 2

  • Unmasking Power as Art: Sharing Tactics & Practice

    Berlin / 24 June 2023

    Panel discussion with Mike Bonanno & Jeff Walburn / The Yes Men (Artists & Activists, US), Cornelia Sollfrank (Artist, DE). Moderated by Klara Hobza (Visual Artist, CZ/DE) within the framework of Disruption Network Lab conference.

    Documentation of the panel here:

    ARTIVISM – The Art of Subverting Power.

  • Datafication and Embodiment: An open-ended talk

    14 June 2023 / Kunsthal, Aarhus, Denmark

    Cornelia Sollfrank and Felix Stalder, artist researchers who currently work together at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK), will explore digital abstractions and material embodiments as two mutually constitutive dimensions of reality that frame each other in incomplete and non-deterministic ways.

  • Positionen in der Kunst (1)

    Wien / 30.Mai 2023

    Portrait von Cornelia Sollfrank von im ORF Radio, von Barbara Eder.

  • Uma enxurrada de net artistas mulheres? | A genial ‚Female Extension‘ de Cornelia Sollfrank

    São Paulo / March 2023

    Link to Fabios Video on YouTube

  • Cyberfeminism Index Book Launch and Reading / Berlin / 25 January 2023

    Book launch of Cyberfeminism Index together with Mindy Seu (New York). In Cyberfeminism Index (, hackers, scholars, artists, and activists of all regions, races and sexual orientations consider how humans might reconstruct themselves by way of technology. Edited by designer and researcher Mindy Seu, Cyberfeminism Index includes more than 700 short entries of radical techno-critical activism in a variety of media, including excerpts from academic articles and scholarly texts; descriptions of hackerspaces, digital rights activist groups, and bio-hacktivism; and depictions of feminist net art and new media art.

  • We don’t die – we multiply!

    Art Academy Kassel / 4 – 6 Novmeber / 2022

    Panel discussion as part of the conference „Arbeit an den Strukturen – Praxisbasierte Forschung in documenta- und Ausstellungsstudien“ (Working on structures – practice-based research in documenta and exhibition studies). The panel addressed the combination of institutional and artistic archiving practices as a way of maintaining temporary, ephemeral, project-based and collective practices by the example of the Old Boys Network. Participants: Dušan Barok, Birgitta Coers and Cornelia Sollfrank. Moderation: Malin Kuht.

  • Encounters in the Archival Commons

    Berlin / 25 March 2022

    Panel discussion as part of the conference „The Whole Life. Archives & Imaginaries“ at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin.

  • Archiving a Network – the Case of the Old Boys Network

    Hong Kong / 17 March 2022

    New Approaches to Collecting and Preserving Complex Research-Based Art and Art Projects, Museum M+. Presentation and Workshop together with Dušan Barok and Anna Schäffler.

  • News From Where We Are # 5.

    London, 6 May 2021

    Marc Garett in conversation with Cornelia Sollfrank as part of The Radical Friendship Podcast Series by Furtherfield, London.

    Link to audio file