commons lab
Commons are resources created or maintained by a community for their joint use value. Commons are characterized by modes of ownership beyond the private/state dichotomy and by collective ways of dealing with the respective resources. The concept refers to common goods, but a special emphasis is put on the social relations and negotiations necessary to produce and protect them. The goods within a commons are not subject to the conditions of market exchange; they are shared goods and as such an expression of a state of being-with. Digital media products offer an especially rich field of investigation in this respect due to their propensity for abundance.
The exhibition commons lab at Studio XX
is an experimental setting created by German artist Cornelia Sollfrank.
The gallery of Studio XX hosts an open and usable structure that makes
various formats for a collective research process available. The idea of
the commons provides the central speculative tool for the investigation
of the present as well as for the creation of future scenarios.